Bob's Bar Dining & Motel is an established and reputable business well known for its food, drinks and hospitality. The business includes a bar, restaurant, 15-unit motel, a 15-person hot tub, and gas pumps offering premium and regular unleaded fuel. Our full-service bar can accommodate up to 60 people. Our dining room offers a full lunch/dinner menu and seats 36 people with additional seating available in the bar and in our banquet room, which accommodates an additional 40 people.
We are located in Neihart, Montana (60 miles southeast of Great Falls), in the heart of the Little Belt Mountains in the Lewis & Clark National Forest. Neihart sits on the "Scenic Highway" (U.S. Highway 89) bridging Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks and is located 8 miles north of Showdown Ski Area. The Neihart area offers access to multiple cross-country skiing trails and 240 groomed snowmobile trails and hundreds of ungroomed trails. Summer activities include hiking, fishing, 4-wheeling, motorbike riding, camping, and taking scenic drives. Hunting season starts Labor Day Weekend and ends Thanksgiving weekend, just as winter recreation begins.
Bob's Bar is under new ownership since December 2018 when long-time proprietors, Tony & Sherry Juntunen, retired and sold the business to Janice Smith-Bagheri. Here they are toasting each other's past and future successes.

Bob's hosts annual I-Heart Neihart Festival every labor day.

Neihart is located in the Little Belt Mountains, which is filled to the brim with recreational opportunities. Bob's accommodates and welcomes all!

Located 57 miles from Great Falls, Bobs is a great place to stop and stay for a little bit!